Bart's blog

Bart's blog

Bart's blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's blog

The Well FoodbankParticularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information


Wolverhampton City of SanctuaryThank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed.Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes and toys, toiletries and sanitary products.Special request this week please for a hoover, double buggies, dining chairs, blenders and shopping trolleys.Please do not deliver to Church.Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or  Thankyou very much for your ongoing support. 


THE ALMSHOUSE CHARITY OF RAPHAEL & ANN SEDGWICK  We have an Almshouse available at the moment. If you are interested and meet the following criteria: Have a connection with Penn or Pennfields, are on income support or housing benefit and own no property, please contact either: Jill Fieldhouse 01902 620149, Julian Hollington 01902663180,or Revd Ben Whitmore. Please note that these dwellings are only suitable for one person.

Bart’s Butterflies: Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel (term time).

Please join us for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome.


Mothers’ Unionwill be meeting in the Oak Room on Wednesday 19th October at 2.30pm.The Guest Speaker will be John Cumbers ‘The small change in your pocket’. Everyone is welcome.


The Church Hall is open for parties – for further details, please contact Donna Williams on 07546 527300.


Shoe Box Appeal: St. Bart’s is supporting ‘Operation Christmas Child’ again this year – sending gifts abroad to children who would otherwise receive nothing for Christmas.  If you wish to create a ‘shoe box’, please bring it to the Parish Office byMonday 21st November.

Christmas Newsletter  The Christmas Newsletter is planned to be available early December. If you wish to submit an article etc. for inclusion in this newsletter, please contact the editor Sarah Slade at

Final date for inclusion 7th November 2023. If you wish to enquire about advertising in the Newsletter, please contact Jon Norden at


Advancement notice- Biblically Inspired Art project

10th December 2022 11 30am to 5pm in The Oak Room.

No artistic talent needed, just come with heads and hearts open, come prepared to be led and inspired by scripture and the Holy Spirit.

All materials provided- oils, acrylics, watercolours, boards, canvases, paper, pastels, crayons, craft material and finger paints (yes really!)

The day will included brief tuition on the materials, how to use them and what effects you might achieve.

Simple lunch- homemade soup, bread and cakes.

Tea and coffee facilities throughout the day.

After lunch, the prayerful reading of a passage from the Bible through three times with prayerful active listening.

Sit with any words, phrases or images that strike you and use that to inspire your art.

It really doesn’t matter if you draw match-stalk men and match-stalk cats and dogs.

It really doesn’t matter if you doodle with the finger paints (when else do grown ups get the chance to finger paint!). Let God and scripture lead you and inspire you.

We will spend the last 20 minutes sharing (not obligatory) what inspired us and how we tried to portray that image or emotion.

Suggested minimum donation £5For further information please speak to Rev’d Alison 


School Admissions for St Peter’s Collegiate School 2023

If you are considering St Peter’s Collegiate School for your child for admission in September 2023 you will need to:-

1 Complete a Supporting Evidence Form

2 Personal Statement, pattern of worship/length of time attached to St Bart’s etc.

3 A telephone number to contact you

Without all of this information we can’t complete and sign the form.

Closing date for St Peter’s – Monday 5th December



We always welcome donations towards the Christmas Fayre. Please put all donations into small bags or boxes clearly marked ‘Christmas Fayre’and leave them under the large table in the Oakroom Foyer from Sunday 16th October until Friday 25th November.

Thank you for your contributions.



Please could these be dropped off at the Parish Office from Sunday 16th October until25th November – Monday to Friday between 10am and 12noon only, or left outside the office door any other time up to 6pm in sealed boxes clearly marked ‘Donna’. (Please do not write on the boxes what is in them). During the weekends please pass your donations directly to the Church Wardens.


Could all donations of fresh cakes and mince pies please be delivered on Friday the 25th November from 12 noon or early on the fayre day -Saturday 26th November.    Thank you.

What’s on this week?

Sunday16th October




Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s


Holy Baptism Service






Monday 17th October



Morning Prayer


Coffee Morning


Hoodie Choir




Tuesday 18th October


Morning Prayer


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)


Mothers’ Union (Oak Room)




Wednesday 19th October


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)




Thursday 20th October


Morning Prayer


RIP Peter Wright (Rowley Regis Crematorium)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


Councillor Surgery  - Celia Hibbert(Oak Room)




Friday 21st October


No Morning Prayer


RIP Ronald Owen (Church/Bushbury East Chapel)

4.00pm – 5.00pm

Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal




Saturday 22ndOctober



Morning Prayer


Holy Communion




Sunday 23rd October


Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Brian Hopson,  Jeanette Saunders,  Wendy Carly,Jackie Evans,Paul Challenor,Jane Turner,  Christine Plowman,Thomas Griffiths,  Vi Bayliss,Julia Bishop, Dave Charles,Dennis Pitt,

Jill Dodd,  Bishop Steven Abbarrow, Megan Pickering,  Rose Ferrier,  Judy Bates,  Florian Tushi,

Lin Vawer, Andrew Bailey.

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Peter Wright, Ronald Owen, John Knowles,  Patricia Butlin,  Audrey Derry.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
