Evening choir
Our Evening Choir is led by Musical Director Huw Daniel. Huw is an experienced musician.
It is a robed choir who sing challenging yet stunningly beautiful Choral music. They strive to create that ‘heavenly’ sound that helps us to worship during Evensong. Each week they sing a Magnificat and Nunc Dimitis setting, the psalm and an Anthem.
They enjoy working together to produce a blended sound and they split the rehearsals into sections with the Soprano/Treble line starting at 6:30pm, being joined by the other three lines at 7:30pm. The upper part then leaves at 8:30pm and the lower voices remain to work on their harmonies for a further half an hour.
Evening choristers enjoy annual tours to sing at some of our most prestigious cathedrals. They visited Worcester in 2017 and Durham in 2018. This year they are heading off to York Minster.
Choir members of all ages grow in confidence as they learn the music together and listen to each other’s voices in rehearsal. Lasting friendships are made which bring younger members back each holiday after they have left for university and close generation gaps.
The Evening choir has no auditions and is open to anyone who would like to develop their singing ability to the next level or who just wishes to enjoy singing sacred choral music.
If you would like to join our Evening choir you can just come along to Church any Friday evening during term times, Sopranos/Trebles at 6.30 and Alto, Tenor and Bass voices at 7.30. Alternatively speak to Julia after evensong any Sunday during term time or call the Church office and they will arrange for her to return your call.