Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

The Well Foodbank 

The Well has been in existence in Wolverhampton for 16 years and now delivers parcels to 120 homes a week, in August 2022 it had delivered 100k parcels to individuals. A big thank you to those that support The Well by donating food items, toiletries etc, we are very appreciative of the support you are able to give. Sadly our stocks in specific items are very low whereas we have a plentiful supply of pasta and biscuits -  we are particularly short of meat soups, jam/marmalade, noodles, sugar, fruit drinks, long life milk, pasta and rice sachets, bags of rice, custard, male and female toiletries (shower gel/shampoo/deodrant) sanitary products, bars of soap, cat and dog food, household cleaning items, tinned peas - any size. Your donations whatever amount are, they will be used, please place them in the trolley at the back of church - so thank you. 'It is in giving we receive' Kay Stokes

The PCC has approved the following donations proposed by the Transforming Communities Committee, that as part of our tithing, St. Bart's will donate £1,800 to the Children’s Society, £1200 to Christian Aid and £233 pounds to the Knit and Natter group for wool for knitting prayer shawls.  Paul Beeston Transforming communities Champion Wolverhampton.

Book & Bric a Brac fayre Sunday 30th April 11.30am till 4.00pm             50p entry

Come and have a browse through our vast collection of books and find a bargain in our household items. There will also be refreshments. 

Please come and support our event.

West Midlands’ Concert Band will be performing our Annual concert for all ages in Church on Saturday 20th May - Doors open 7pm and the concert starts at 7.30pm. £5.00 adults & £2.50 children. Refreshments and raffle. Please come and join us for a fantastic evening of entertainment. For any further information on either events please call Donna on 07546 527300.


Where ?? In the Oakroom.

What date ?? Tuesday 23rd May.

What time ??  6.30pm till 8.30pm.

Kate is back to hold a baby and toddler first aid course, this is a 2 hour course for parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles anyone that wishes to gain knowledge about first aid for children.

Please do not turn up on the evening as your place must be booked first.

Please call Kate directly on O7590 916627 to secure your place.

Mothers’ Union Holy Communion will be held in Church on Wednesday 10th May at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome.

Bart’s Butterflies for babies and pre-school children

Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel for lots of singing, stories and fun.

 All are welcome.

King's Coronation! 

10.00 am St Bart’s Bells will ring

Church and the Oak Room will be open with screens available to watch the Coronation

After the Coronation there will be a Party on the Green (bring your own picnic and blanket)

Tea and coffee will be available

Hoodie Choir and Band

3.00pm finishing with bells ringing once more

Raffle in aid of the Church Organ Restoration Fund

Lots of prizes already generously donated (promises of more to come)

Raffle tickets on sale after Church Services, from The Parish Office and on the day £1 per strip

Raffle drawn at 3pm on 6th May

What’s on this week?


30th April


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


Book & Bric a Brac Fayre (Church Hall)


All-age Worship in St Anne’s


Bereavement Service


1st May

Bank Holiday


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning


2nd May


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)

Wednesday 3rd May


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Funeral RIP Marie Powers (Church/Penn Cemetery)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


4th May


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


Councillor Surgery – Celia Hibbert (Oak Room)


5th May


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal


6th May




Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

10.00am onwards



Holy Communion


7th May


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Please pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Jackie Evans,  Christine Plowman,  Julia Bishop,  Dave Charles,  Dennis Pitt,  Judy Bates,  Lin Vawer,  Alice Corbett,  Jean Wellsbury,  Rose Ferrier,  Christopher Brookes,  Ann Evans,  Thomas Griffiths,  Clive Boucher,  Mkenzie Jukes,  Hilda Rawlings,  Malcolm Wellsbury,  Harry Crocker,  Doris Taylor,  Jeremy Oakley,  Richard Kelly,  Nunzia Padulano,  Brian Hopson,  Grace Simkin,  Margaret Berrow.

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Marie Powers,  Patricia Walker (Pat),  Frances Moyse.




May 2023

Risen Christ,

you have raised our human nature to the throne of heaven:

help us to seek and serve you,

that we may join you at the Father’s side,

where you reign with the Spirit in glory,

now and for ever. Amen

Additional prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website and Church of England website




In our Deanery today we pray for St Philip’s Church Penn Fields. May all their ministry be fruitful and a blessing to those in that community.


We pray for all who are struggling with difficult relationships. Help people to work and live together in peace and love. Please help any living in abusive situations to find a way to leave.


Today we pray for all our clergy. Give them vision, faith, love, wisdom, patience, and perseverance as they serve others.


As local elections are held today, we pray for all those standing for election. May those elected serve their communities with integrity and diligence, for the good of all, whatever their political affiliation.


We pray for schools in our parish, for all who work there, and for our children who attend. May they be happy communities where children learn and grow into positive productive people.


We pray for all involved in celebrating the coronation of King Charles III today. May it all go well, and let it be a very special and meaningful day for him. Please bless all taking part in community celebrations and build friendships between people.


Sunday As we come to worship, we remember churches around the world, and pray with them for your kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven.


We pray for all enjoying a bank holiday today, for happiness, relaxation, time with friends and family, and for those in essential services who still have to work.


Today we pray for workers in the busy and stressful hospitality sector. May the pubs and restaurants in our area be calm places for enjoyment and friendship, free from disruptive behaviour.


We pray for those who work in all types of office and administration work. May they work with care and diligence. We ask your special blessing on Sue in our church office.


We pray for our world, with all the problems of climate change and extreme weather. Please protect all who live in difficult environments. Help governments and individuals to act responsibly to care for your creation. Show each of us one small thing we can do to help.


Please help all prison staff to act with fairness, firmness and compassion towards prison inmates, and to encourage them towards a new start when they are released.


We pray for all those recently married, and those whose weddings are coming up. Guide all the preparations and bless their future lives together. 


Sunday We pray for our worship band as they lead our worship today. May we all be helped to worship you in Spirit and in truth.


We give thanks for all who come to the Coffee Morning and for Joy, Jo and Sally who run it. We give thanks for all who have found new friends here.


We pray for those living in war zones around the world, in Ukraine, Sudan, the Middle East and elsewhere. Thank you for all who work for peace. Give wisdom to all world leaders, and strength to relief agencies working with displaced people.


We pray for all who need the support provided by the foodbank. Thank you for those who work there and all who donate supplies. Help the food bank clients know your love for them through receiving these food parcels.


Ascension Day. Today we celebrate Jesus ascending to his throne in heaven. Bless all who come to the service this evening. May your kingdom come on earth, as it is already in heaven.


We pray for residents and staff in care homes within our parish. Thank you for those who visit and lead services there and share the love of Jesus with the residents.


We pray today for anyone we know who is unwell, for all in hospital, and for those awaiting test results. Keep them in your peace, Lord, and may they know your loving arms around them. Bless all who are caring for others at home or in hospital.


Sunday We pray for the other churches in Penn as they meet for worship, for Springdale Methodist, the United Reformed, Penn Christian Centre, St Michael’s. Bless them all.


We ask you to bless and encourage our church wardens and PCC, and help them make wise decisions for the running of our church. 


Please care for all who live alone, for whatever reason. May they know your love and companionship, and find support and friendship from your people.


We pray today for people seeking direction for the way ahead, especially those considering their call to some type of ministry. We also pray for those already in training for lay or ordained ministry.


We pray for all who work in the busy retail sector. Give them patience with difficult customers. Please encourage small independent stores who are finding things challenging at this time.


Dear Lord, please encourage us as we pray on our own or with others. Bless all who take part in the WhatsApp prayer group and the Friday prayers, and those who post their prayer requests on the boards. May we always give thanks as you answer our prayers.


We pray for all who struggle with mental health issues, especially today for those who feel they cannot go on. Please give them hope and help, as each one needs.


Pentecost Sunday We ask that the joy of the Holy Spirit would fill our worship today, and lead us out into the world in love and service, as witnesses to the risen Jesus.


We pray for the deanery church of Christ the King in Aldersley. May they grow in numbers and in faith as they seek to serve you.


We pray for all who lead Morning Prayer each day and those who come to pray and worship. We pray today for anyone we know who is in special need in any way.


Loving God, we pray for those in our church and parish who are most vulnerable. Help us to be a church that is willing to bring hospitality and welcome to all. May we always reflect your love to all in our community. 

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
