02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog
Bart's Blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog
The Well
Once again a big thank you for your ongoing support, as we approach Harvest Festival please remember The Well; when the foodbank can afford to, fresh fruit and vegetables are purchased and included in parcels. We are so grateful for whatever is donated, we know it is valued by those individuals and families who receive help. 'It is in giving we receive' - thank you, Kay Stokes - The Well food trolley is located at the back of the church by the door leading to the Oak room. http://thewellwolverhampton.co.uk
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary
The donations team at City of Sanctuary welcome your donations. Thank you so much for your ongoing support . It makes such a difference to the lives of asylum seekers and refugees in our city. Please do not deliver to Church.
Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com
Thank you very much for your ongoing support.
Bart’s Butterflies: Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel. for lots of singing, stories and fun. All are welcome. Please note – Butterflies will be meeting in the Oak Room this week.
Mothers’ Union will be meeting in the Oak Room on Tuesday 17th October at 2.30pm The guest speaker is Val Hanna. Everyone is welcome.
The Church Hall is open for parties – for further details, please contact Donna Williams on 07546 527300.
Christmas Wreath Workshop by Dahlia & Thyme
Saturday 18th November 10am-12pm / 1pm-3pm / 5pm-7pm
Oak Room, St Bartholomew’s Church
Come along and make your own beautiful Christmas door wreath.
Enjoy seasonal music, mulled wine and Christmas treats.
£40pp payment in full to secure your place.
Contact Kate on 07540 455916 or dahliaandthyme@gmail.com
I would like to thank you all for your love and prayers for my daughter Joanne over the past year. She is getting stronger every day. We must thank the consultants and nurses for all they do, they were amazing.
Thank you and God bless you all. Iris
Shoe Box Appeal St. Bart’s is supporting ‘Operation Christmas Child’ again this year – sending gifts abroad to children who would otherwise receive nothing for Christmas. If you wish to create a ‘shoe box’, please bring it to the Parish Office by Monday 20th November.
Saturday 25th November 2023
Christmas will soon be upon us once more and we would be grateful for any donations for this year’s Christmas Fayre. We would also like your help in making this year’s event a great day for all.
As always, we rely on your support and generosity to provide please, the following items for the stalls:
Raffle Prizes, NEW Children’s Toys, Children’s Gifts,
Craft Items, Cakes bought/homemade, Jams/Chutneys, Jewellery, Toiletries, Bottles/Alcohol, Christmas Gifts, Tombola Prizes, Hamper Gifts, Chocolates & Sweets.
Any items can be brought to the Church Oak Room Foyer in small bags and boxes. Please label them ‘Christmas Fayre’.
We also need volunteers to help…
- set up on Friday 24th November from 4pm.
- clear away from 3pm on the Saturday.
- during the Fayre itself in our tearooms as a waiter/waitress, preparing food or washing up.
If you could help out, we would love to hear from you. Please call the Parish Office on 01902 576809
Thank you again for your continued support.
Rev’d Ben and the Church Wardens
The Church will be floodlit on the evening of 18th October
in loving memory of Ewart Salt on his 98thBirthday
What’s on this week? | ||
Sunday 15th October | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
2.30pm | Holy Baptism Service | |
5.30pm | Evensong | |
Monday 16th October | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
10.00am | Coffee Morning (Oak Room) | |
4.00pm | Hoodie Choir (Church) | |
Tuesday 17th October | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
9.30am/1.30pm | Painting in Penn (Church Hall) | |
2.30pm | Mothers’ Union Meeting (Oak Room) | |
Wednesday 18th October | 9.15am | Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel) |
1.30pm/6.30pm | Painting in Penn (Oak Room) | |
7.00pm | Living Faith (Lady Chapel) | |
Thursday 19th October | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
10.00am | Funeral RIP James Wright (Jim) (Church/Bushbury West Chapel) | |
1.15pm | Funeral RIP Linda Round (Lynn) (Church/Penn Cemetery) | |
1.45pm | Bart’s Butterflies (Oak Room) | |
Friday 20th October | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
4.00pm | Friday Prayers (Lady Chapel) | |
6.30pm/7.20pm | Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal | |
Saturday 21st October | 9.00am | Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) |
5.30pm | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 22nd October | 8.00am | Holy Communion |
10.00am | Parish Communion | |
11.45am | All-age Worship in St Anne’s | |
5.30pm | Evensong |