Bart's Blog and Feb prayer diary

Bart's Blog and Feb prayer diary

Bart's Blog and Feb prayer diary

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog and Feb prayer diary

Sunday 4th February 2024 – 2 before Lent

Our Readings:

10.00am: Epistle Colossians 1: 15 – 20

Gospel   John 1: 1 – 14

5.30pm: Lesson 1 Exodus 25: 1 – 9 

Lesson 2 Luke 8: 22 – 35

Our Hymns:

10.00am: 252, 658, 716, 104

5.30pm 294, 436, 391

The Well Foodbank

Thank you everybody who has donated food items, pet food, toiletries and cleaning products to The Well - they have been gratefully received and included in food bags going out to individuals and families across Wolverhampton. We aim to supply families with items that will feed them for about three days. Our stocks don't last long and we still need donations from yourselves, so please give whatever you can as it does make a difference. Our trolley is at the back of the church where you go through in to the Oak room. 'It is in giving we receive'.  We send you our very good wishes and thanks for 2024.        

Kay Stokes

C:\Users\Cathy\Desktop\Documents\BUTTERFLIES\image1 (1).jpeg

Bart’s Butterflies: Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel during term time for lots of singing, stories and fun.    

All are welcome.

Church Floodlighting:  If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or the celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.St Barts


St. Bart’s Community Hall is available to hire for parties on Saturdays from 2pm and on Sundays from 12 noon.

We have a range of businesses on board to help with catering, bouncy castles, the animal man, princess parties or character figures parties. Alternatively you can supply everything yourself.

The hall is also available for regular group booking hire.

Please call 07546 527300 for further information.

Ash Wednesday Service

A service of Holy Communion with the imposition of ashes will be held in church (1st day of Lent) on Wednesday 14th February at 7.30pm. 

There will also be an opportunity to experience the imposition of the ashes at the 9.15am Communion Service and 10.30am Mothers’ Union Communion for those unable to attend the evening service.




We are now taking donations of books again.

Please can you leave them in the Oak Room foyer, in small bags 

or boxes for easy carrying and storage.              

Thank you for your support.   Donna.

Mothers’ Union Holy Communion will be held in Church on Wednesday 14th February at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome.

Prayer shawls bring the wearer warmth and affection both in times of sorrow and in times of celebration. They make ideal gifts for comforting and celebrating important stages in life.

The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice which embodies our thoughts and prayers for the receiver. It is a gift made in prayer and freely given. The shawls are passed on hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart.

Prayer shawls are prayerfully and lovingly knitted, sometimes with a person in mind or as part of a supply when a need is identified. They can be given to people who are ill, hurting or in a time of transition.

We have given them to people following ~ bereavement ~ during illness ~ to new students ~ for new beginnings ~ to new mums ~ going through a tough time ~ just because.

If you would like more information or if there is someone you would like to give a prayer shawl to, please let me know. They do not need to be a member of this or any other church.


On behalf of the knitting ministry at St. Bart’s     Email

or speak to Anne Edwards 01902 337478    or contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809

What’s on this week?


4th February


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


Family Communion Service in St Anne’s




5th February


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)


Hoodie Choir (Church)


6th February


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)


7th February


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


Living Faith (Lady Chapel)


8th February


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


Alpha Course 


9th February


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal


10th February


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion 


11th February


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Please pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Jean Wellsbury,  Rose Ferrier,  Christopher Brookes,  Doris Taylor,  Bel Sprigg,  Nunzia Padulano,  Barbara Cairns,  Terry Taylor,  Leo Pratt,  Anne & David Cove,   Jo Cove,  Neil Etchells,  Margaret Taylor,  Val Finch,  Tim Russell,  Mavis & Bob Pitt,  Fran McMitchell,  Pip and baby Lucas. 

Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:                                           Robert Woolley,  Christine Plowman,  John Pardoe,  Peter Hazlehurst,  Frank Northern,  Vera Bannon.

The Church will be floodlit on the evening of Monday 5th February

in loving memory of Malcolm Done




February 2024

Holy God,

our lives are laid open before you:

rescue us from the chaos of sin

and through the death of your Son

bring us healing and make us whole

in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Additional prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website and Church of England website




Lord, we pray urgently for a peaceful resolution to the situation in Israel and Gaza. We pray for freedom and safety. We pray for healing for all who have been wounded in body and mind, and for those who have lost family members.


We pray for all who are struggling with difficult relationships. Help people to work and live together in peace and love. Please help any living in abusive situations to find a way to leave.


We pray for all who need the support provided by the foodbank. Thank you for those who work there and all who donate supplies. Help the foodbank clients know your love for them through receiving these food parcels.


Sunday. As we come to worship, we remember churches around the world, and pray with them for your kingdom to come, on earth as it is in heaven.


We pray for all local councillors. May those elected serve their communities with integrity and diligence, for the good of all, whatever their political affiliation.


We pray today for the leaders and congregation at St Aidan’s church, Penn Fields. May your loving presence be known by all, and among those who they work with.


We pray for refugees and asylum seekers, as they try to find a safe place to settle. Help governments to make wise and just decisions around how to manage the issues raised.


We pray for those who work in all types of office and administration work. May they work with care and diligence. We ask your special blessing on Sue in our church office.


Today we pray for workers in the busy and stressful hospitality sector. May the pubs and restaurants in our area be calm places for enjoyment and friendship, free from disruptive behaviour.


We pray today for anyone we know who is unwell, for all in hospital, and for those awaiting test results. Keep them in your peace, Lord, and may they know your loving arms around them. Bless all who are caring for others at home or in hospital.


Sunday. We pray for the other churches in Penn as they meet today for worship, for Springdale Methodist, the United Reformed, Penn Christian Centre, St Michael’s. Bless them all.


We give thanks for all those who come to the Coffee Morning and for Joy, Jo and Sally who run it. Thank you for all who have found new friends there and for the way they support one another.


We pray for our world, with all the problems of climate change. Please protect all who live in difficult environments. Help governments and individuals to act responsibly to care for your creation. Show each of us one small thing we can do to help.


Ash Wednesday. As Lent begins, we pray that we would be able to listen to its challenges and use the time to come closer to you. Help us to prepare ourselves for the events of Easter.


Please help all prison staff to act with fairness, firmness and compassion towards prison inmates, and to encourage them towards a new start when they are released.


We pray for those living in war zones around the world, in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere. Thank you for all who work for peace. Give wisdom to all world leaders, and strength to relief agencies working with displaced people.


We pray for our Saturday service congregation today, as they spend time worshipping and listening to you. We pray that you would draw close to each one in whatever way they need.


Sunday. Today we pray for the congregation at St Anne’s, and those who lead and plan the services. Thank you for this friendly happy community and please bring others in to join them.


Dear Lord, please encourage us as we pray on our own or with others. Bless all who take part in the WhatsApp prayer group and in Life groups, and those who post their requests on the boards. May we always give thanks as you answer our prayers.


We pray for residents and staff in care homes within our parish. Thank you for those who visit and lead services there and share the love of Jesus with the residents.


We pray for all who work in the busy retail sector. Give them patience with difficult customers. Please encourage small independent stores who are finding things challenging at this time.


We ask you to bless and encourage our church wardens and PCC, and help them make wise decisions for the running of our church. 


Please care for all who live alone, for whatever reason. May they know your love and companionship, and find support and friendship from your people.


We pray today for people seeking direction for the way ahead, especially those considering their call to some type of ministry. We also pray for those already in training for lay or ordained ministry.


Sunday. Today we pray for all our clergy. Give them vision, faith, love, wisdom, patience, and perseverance as they serve others.


We pray for the schools in our parish, for all who work there, and for our children who attend. May they be happy communities where children learn and grow into positive productive people.


Loving God, we pray for those in our church and parish who are most vulnerable. Help us to be a church that is willing to bring hospitality and welcome to all. May we always reflect your love to all in our community.


We pray for all who struggle with mental health issues, especially today for those who feel they cannot go on. Please give them hope and help, as each one needs.


It’s Leap Year day! Today we pray for all those special babies who will be born today. Please keep them safe, guide their families as they care for them, and bring them in time to know and love you, Lord.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
