Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

Easter Services 2024

24th March -   Palm Sunday

10.00am    Palm Sunday Eucharist

5.30pm      Choral Evensong

28th March -   Maundy Thursday 

7.30pm      Eucharist


                         29th March -   Good Friday

                5.30pm      Choral ‘Tenebrae style’ MCRE00018_0000[1]

                         Good Friday Meditation  

30th March - Holy Saturday 

9.00am       Meditations – 

                     ‘Cast your burden on the Lord’

31st March -  Easter Sunday

6.25am       Sunrise Communion on the green

8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am     Easter Family Eucharist

11.45am     Family Communion at St. Anne’s

5.30pm Choral Evensong

The Well Foodbank

As we head towards Easter please remember us as you consider what you might donate, we aim to give every young person an Easter Egg - along with food items / toiletries / pet food and household cleaning products. A genuine thank you for your ongoing support and generosity. 'It is in giving we receive' - Kay Stokes

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Bart’s Butterflies: Please join us on Thursdays at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel during term time for lots of singing, stories and fun.    

All are welcome.

The Electoral Roll is open

The church electoral roll is open for any additions, amendments or revisions.

The roll will remain open until the 24th March and the revised list will go on display at the back of church from the 30th March so you can check any details and let me know if there are any corrections required before the AGM in April.  You need to be on the electoral roll to vote at the AGM.

Forms are available at the back of Church, from the Parish Office or from myself if you want one.

Catherine Pugh           Electoral Roll Officer


Penn Singers present  Musical Moments

Guest Artist: Sam Perry

Penn United Reformed Church (WV4 5QP)

Saturday 23rd March 2024 at 7.30pm

Tickets £10.00 including refreshments 

with a Retiring Collection in aid of Midlands Air Ambulance

Contact Pauline Hollington 07881 911107

LENT LUNCH: Saturday March 23rd at noon: a brief service followed by soup lunch, St Michael's Church Hall. We are inviting local churches after a gap of some years so do come and welcome visitors. Contact: 336534  

Mothers’ Union will be meeting in the Oak Room on Tuesday 19th March at 2.30pm.

 The guest speaker is Ann Stone – The Pineapple Project.  Everyone is welcome.

Rev Ben’s Lent Challenge for Giving

A few weeks ago Rev Ben challenged the congregation that, if they hadn’t increased their giving for a while, to think and pray about it, and maybe increase their giving to St Bart’s equivalent to the price of a cup of “posh” coffee a week.

Challenge Accepted!!

The results, so far, have been excellent and with the 5 new and 16 amended Standing Orders we will raise a whopping £6,684 for the year. The extra good news is that most of

that can be Gift Aided, so will be able to claim more back from HMRC in tax refunds.

As Gift Aid Secretary I want to thank everyone who has so gladly risen to the challenge. Rev Ben and our Treasury Team are delighted.

Again, as Gift Aid Secretary if anyone needs a certificate for their tax return please either

email me or give me a call 01902 336822. If you have

received one in the past, I have you on my list.

Thank you again.  Barbara

Prayer with anointing during Lent

We are again pleased to be able to offer prayer on a one to one basis, accompanied by anointing with oil, following Sunday 10.00am services (and some Saturday 5.00pm services) during Lent, leading up to Easter. If you would like one of our ministers to pray with you, either for a specific need, or a prayer for God’s presence and blessing on your life, please come to the Lady Chapel at the end of the service. You only have to share what is comfortable to you, and confidentiality will be respected. Prayer changes things!


APCM 2024 - Sunday 14th April

This year the APCM is due to be held on Sunday 14th April during the 10am service at St. Bart's. 

Details regarding the number of PCC representatives set to be elected, are to be placed near the entrance of St. Bart's & St. Anne's shortly, along with paper copies of nomination sheets.

Those interested in putting themselves forward for one of the available positions must ensure that completed nomination forms are returned to Rev. Preb. Ben prior to the meeting date.

Electronic nomination & Q&A submission forms can be found on the website: 

We anticipate that the APCM report pack will be available early April. Thank you to all those who have contributed to this so far.

APCM 2024 Report pack - call for contributions from affiliated organisations

Work on preparing the APCM report pack is underway, we respectfully request that if any groups wish to contribute an update report covering 2023, that these be sent to Daniel at by Friday 29th March.

Please note due to unforeseen circumstances the school’s Experience Easter will not be taking place this year.

What’s on this week?


17th March


Holy Communion


Parish Communion 


All-age Worship in St Anne’s


Holy Baptism Service




18th March


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)


Hoodie Choir (Church)


19th March


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)


Mothers’ Union (Oak Room)


Marriage Preparation (Lady Chapel)


20th March


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


21st March


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Bart’s Butterflies (Church/Oak Room)


Alpha Course (Oak Room)


22nd March

NO Morning Prayer 


St Bart’s School End of Term Service (Church)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal


23rd March


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion 


24th March 



Holy Communion


Parish Communion with Holy Baptism 


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



The Church will be floodlit on the evening of 21st March in loving memory of Sheila Jackson-Houlston on her birthday

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
