Barts Blog and April prayer diary

Barts Blog and April prayer diary

Barts Blog and April prayer diary

# Bart's blog

Barts Blog and April prayer diary

The Well Foodbank I start on a positive note and that is to thank you again for your most generous donations of Easter eggs, food, toiletries, pet food, baby food, and cleaning products, all our individuals / family members have each received an Easter Egg and in some cases when we have been donated flowers by supermarkets recipients have been delighted to receive them.

On a disappointing note you may have read the article in The Guardian about a month 

(16th February 2024 ), headed, 'Jobcentres told to stop referring benefit claimants to food banks. DWP briefing says job centres should no longer issue ‘signposting slips’ over concerns about data privacy'.

This has impacted greatly on the number of people we have been able to distribute food to and the need is greater than ever in Wolverhampton, for example in February 2023 we supported 11,662 individuals/families, in February this year 6,760 were supported! The Well complies totally with what is required by Data protection, the situation is absurd - please take the time to read this article and please continue to support us.' It is in giving we receive' Thank you - Kay Stokes

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Bart’s Butterflies: will not be meeting during the Easter holidays. Please join us on Thursday 11th April at 1.45pm in the Lady Chapel for lots of singing, stories and fun.    All are welcome.

St Barts

Church Floodlighting:  If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or the celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.


We will be holding a Farmers Market on Sunday June 2nd

From 1pm – 3pm in the Oak Room.        Stalls are available.

Please speak to Revd. Ben if you would like to book one!

Everyone is welcome.


Mothers’ Union Holy Communion will be held in Church on Wednesday 10th April at 10.30am. Everyone is welcome.

Mothers’ Union will be meeting in the Oak Room on Tuesday 16th April at 2.30pm.

 The guest speaker is Tru Mills – Everyone is welcome.

Revd Alison would like to thank everybody on behalf of her family for the prayers, kind comments and cards following the sudden death of her Mum.

Easter Services 2024



                        31st March -  Easter Sunday

                        6.25am       Sunrise Communion on the green

                        8.00am Holy Communion

10.00am     Easter Family Eucharist

11.45am     Family Communion at St. Anne’s

5.30pm Choral Evensong


Tea and coffee will not be available after the 10.00am Easter Sunday Service

APCM 2024 - Sunday 14th April

This year the APCM is due to be held on Sunday 14th April during the 10am service at St. Bart's. 

Details regarding the number of PCC representatives set to be elected, are to be placed near the entrance of St. Bart's & St. Anne's shortly, along with paper copies of nomination sheets.

Those interested in putting themselves forward for one of the available positions must ensure that completed nomination forms are returned to Rev. Preb. Ben prior to the meeting date.

Electronic nomination & Q&A submission forms can be found on the website: 

We anticipate that the APCM report pack will be available early April. 

Bells with solid fill

St Bart’s Change Bellringers

Open Tower

14th April 2024

St Bartholomew’s Church Bell Tower 11.15am

Do you hear the bells on a Sunday, or perhaps had them for your wedding and wonder what it is like to have a go? 

 Looking for a new low intensity hobby? Need a skill for DofE perhaps? Want to keep the brain active and meet new people?

Then come along and learn more about bellringing, and have a go. Open to anyone over the age of 8. We will be taking registration of interest for our intensity course to learn the basics faster on the day too – limited places available!

What’s on this week?


31st March



Sunrise Communion on the green

Breakfast will be served from 6.40am – 9.30am


Holy Communion


Easter Family Eucharist


Family Communion at St Anne’s


Choral Evensong

Monday 1st April



Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)

Tuesday 2nd April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)

Wednesday 3rd April


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)

Thursday 4th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)

Friday 5th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel) 


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal

Saturday 6th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion 

Sunday 7th April


Holy Communion


Parish Communion


Family Communion Service in St Anne’s



Monday 8th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)


Hoodie Choir

Tuesday 9th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)

Wednesday 10th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Mothers’ Union Holy Communion 


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


Living Faith (Lady Chapel)

Thursday 11th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Bart’s Butterflies (Lady Chapel)

Friday 12th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal

Saturday 13th April


Morning Prayer (Lady Chapel)


Holy Communion with Worship Band

Sunday 14th April


Holy Communion


Parish Communion with Worship Band



All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Please pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Christopher Brookes,  Doris Taylor,  Bel Sprigg,  Nunzia Padulano,,  Terry Taylor,  Leo Pratt,  

Anne & David Cove,  Jo Cove,  Neil Etchells,  Helena Liberadzki,  Alice Corbett,  Dave Charles. Please pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:                                                Maureen Skitt,  Rose Ferrier,  Edna Hodges,  Evelyn Johnson,  Ralph Blackshaw,  John Williams.




  April 2024

Risen Christ,

for whom no door is locked, no entrance barred:

open the doors of our hearts,

that we may seek the good of others

and walk the joyful road of sacrifice and peace,

to the praise of God the Father.

Additional prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website and Church of England website




On Bank Holiday Monday we pray for all who are travelling, and all who are on holiday this week. Keep everyone safe, and give them all a happy time of rest and relaxation.


We pray that the joy of Easter will remain with us all in the days and weeks ahead. Please be especially close to any who face difficult decisions, or feel uncertain about their future.


Lord, please be close to all who are unwell, in hospital or at home. Give them your peace and healing. Help those who are anxious by waiting for diagnosis or going through difficult tests or procedures.


Lord, we ask you to bless residents in care homes. May they find friendship together. Help the staff who care for them, in a busy and stressful environment. Give them patience and compassion. We also ask you to bless those who visit to lead services. 


We ask you to help all whose lives are disrupted by earthquakes, floods, drought, and other extreme conditions. Please bless those who work with aid agencies. Help governments to respond with wisdom and compassion to all in need.


We pray for all those who serve others sacrificially, doing humble tasks as they care for those in need. We pray that we would all have true servant hearts in our dealings with others.


Sunday. We pray today for our Junior Church, and all who lead and teach the children. May each child grow up to know and love the Lord Jesus and follow him throughout their lives.


We pray for all who come to the coffee morning today, and thank you for all who serve there. May those who come find friendship and a warm welcome as they see your love in action.


Today we pray for the children returning to school. Please bless and encourage the teachers. Help them to be alert to help any child in special need. May all our schools be happy communities.


We pray today for St Joseph’s church, Merry Hill, and all who worship there. Please bless them and help them to grow as a faith-filled community, and encourage them in reaching out to all in their local area.


Please help all those who are homeless or in temporary accommodation, especially those in Wolverhampton. Take care of those living in shelters and on our streets, protect them from danger, and provide a safe home for them.


Thank you, Lord, for those who run local small businesses. Help them with any financial problems or other pressures that they are facing due to recession. Help those who employ staff to be good bosses. May they always act with honesty and integrity.


We pray for all world leaders, that they would seek the well-being of all. May they guide the nations into justice and peace. We ask that there would be cooperation rather than conflict.


Sunday. Our annual church meeting is held today. Please guide our decisions and plans and help us to listen to one another and to you for the way ahead in our church.


We give thanks for all who serve in our armed forces. Help the families who are separated. Protect those in dangerous places. Be with those who struggle when they leave to find new jobs and to fit in to a very different way of life.


We pray for The Mothers’ Union, and for Ruth as she leads this group. We pray that they will be encouraged in their faith and encourage each other. We also remember all the groups of M.U. members worldwide.


We pray for all suffering with poor mental health, with anxiety, depression, and other types of emotional distress. May your peace guard their hearts and minds. Give wisdom to all mental health nurses, doctors and therapists as they treat and support people.


We remember today the continued conflict in Ukraine, and for all who have been displaced, losing homes, family members, and security. We also pray for a peaceful resolution to the situation in the Middle East, and for aid to reach those who need it.


We pray for our Bishops, and Archbishops, in their challenging roles. Please bless those who work alongside them in supporting roles. We also pray for all involved in appointing a new Bishop of Wolverhampton.


Please be close to all who attend the Saturday service, and may the presence and power of the Holy Spirit touch each one who comes.


Sunday. We pray for all who preach and teach in our churches. Help them as they prepare, to understand your word for us, and to be able to explain it in a way that inspires and encourages us in our Christian life. May we all grow stronger in faith as we journey on together.


We pray today for social workers, as they try to help some of the most vulnerable in society. Help them to set right priorities and to manage difficult situations with compassion and wisdom.


We pray for all who have recently found faith. May we all continue to grow in our faith and love for our Lord.


Pray today for all our local councillors, of whatever political affiliation. Help them to act with integrity and make decisions that will benefit those in most need.


We pray for all who come to Butterflies and for those who organise and run this group. We give thanks for all who take time to share the love of the Lord with children of all ages.


Please be close to the families and friends of those who have died recently, and those grieving the loss of someone close. Please guide those preparing to lead funerals. Give them sensitivity in their planning and may the services be filled with your love.


We pray for those who hire our halls for parties or other groups.  Thank you for Donna who arranges the bookings, and for the facilities that we can share with our community.


Sunday. We pray for all who lead our worship, our choirs, worship band, and musicians. Help us all to worship and praise from our hearts, as we meet together today.


Today we pray especially for King Charles and for the Princess of Wales as they continue with medical treatment. We also pray for other members of the royal family, as they support them, and help fulfil their roles. Please guide all who work as advisers and other staff within the royal households.


We pray for Christ Church, Tettenhall Wood, within our Deanery. As they meet for worship and serve you together, we ask you to bless them and make them a blessing to their local community.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
