Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

Sunday 2nd February 2020 – Candlemas

Our Readings:

10.00am: 1st Reading: Malachi 3: 1-5 (p.904)

Epistle: Hewbrews 2: 14-end (p.216)

Gospel: Luke 2: 22-end (p.56)

5.30pm: Lesson 1: Haggai 2: 1-9 (p.893)

Lesson 2: John 2: 18-22 (p.90)

Our Hymns:

10.00am: 517, 625, 584, 419 Communion Hymns: 67, 8

5.30pm: 467, 353, 47

Living Faith Tuesdays at 7.30pm – 9.00pm. It will run for 8 weeks, with a break for half term. Further information is available from myself or Ben. Alison.

Deanery Synod - Monday 10th February at 7pm for 7.30pm at Compton Care, Compton Road. Our guest speaker for this meeting will be the Rev Elaine de Jonge, who will be talking about her ministry as Chaplain at Compton Care. Everyone is most welcome.

'Ritz' Style Afternoon Tea - Saturday 15th February

The next Afternoon Tea will be held on Saturday 15th February, 1.30pm - 4.00pm.

For £7.50 per head you will be served sandwiches, homemade cakes, tea or coffee. 

Come along with family and friends, or even to celebrate a special occasion and enjoy a great afternoon. As usual we ask that you book your place in advance.

To book, please contact either Margaret Mottram, Tel: 01902 343528, 07495159635, email: or Jill Fieldhouse  01902 620149 or 07710435572. 

Open the Book Training Day – 29th February: If anyone would like to come, we would love to see you 10.00am – 2.30pm in the Oakroom.

Bach@Bart's: St Bart’s Organists Gary Cole and Paul Carr will perform 6 recitals on Sundays at 6:30pm, following the usual 5:30pm Choral Evensong, during Lent 2020. (1st March, 8th March, 15th March, 22nd March, 29th March and 5th April). Each recital will last around half an hour and will consist of a range of contrasting organ works by J.S. Bach. Come and hear the 1872 Walker organ as rebuilt by Nicholson’s in 1974 being put through its paces with Chorale Preludes, Trios, Toccatas, Preludes and Fugues. Admission is free.

Friends of St Bart’s and St Anne’s

Friday 31st July – Sunday 2nd August

Two nights’ stay in the historical city of York departing from Church at 9.00am on Friday 31st July, with accommodation at the Ibis Hotel and a full English breakfast included. We will depart from York on Sunday 2nd August at 6.00pm.

Explore this fascinating city at your leisure with an open invitation to join us in the stunning York Minster where our fabulous Choir will be performing.

If you are interested in a lovely weekend in York, please add your name to the list on the notice board by the Oak Room.

The cost will be £200 for those in a double room or £320 for a single room. A £50 deposit is required please to secure your place. The price includes return coach to York. Further details are available from Ben or the Parish Office on 01902 576809.

Donations: Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. A Special request for a fridge/freezer please. Always in demand are clothes (for all ages and sizes), household and kitchen items, towels and bedding, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products. If you are unable to drop your donation at church I am happy to arrange a time to collect it from you. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or Annette attends St Bart's Knit & Natter.

Little Acorns: We require some help to set-up the Oak Room on a Monday evening ready for Little Acorns on a Tuesday morning. Also help needed on a Tuesday between 9am – 11am. If you are able to help, please contact Susie on 07812 144993, Toni on 07515 862063 or the Parish Office on 01902 576809.

Plastic Bottles: We are appealing for your empty plastic drinks bottles with tops (large ones only eg. Pepsi or Kia-ora). Please leave at the back of Church and we will transform them into candle-holders for this year’s Carol Service.

Church Donations: Out with the not so old gift and in with the new.

Do you store unwanted gifts and wonder what to do with them?? or never re-gift them back out?? or are having a little clear out??  We are now collecting unwanted gifts and household items for our fantastic Christmas fayre in 2020 and would be grateful for your support. Please leave any items in a small box clearly labelled Donna/fayre on top of the table in the Oak Room foyer and l can store them securely. We are always grateful for all donations and always need new helpers to support any of our events throughout the year. Please, please, please get in touch.

Bottle Bags: We are collecting bottle bags for the Christmas Fayre 2020. If you have any that you could donate there is a Christmas bag in the Oakroom Foyer until the end of February for your donations. Thank you for your support, Donna.

Compton Care Quiz No 30 Solution and Winners:

Dry rot, Carpet, Frying pan, Floorboard, Microwave, Doormat, Sink, Oven, Triple glazing, Entrance, Flagstone, Window, Mirror, Threshold, Sash, Wallpaper, Balustrade, Plate, Cupboard, Mortice, Gable, Woodworms, Scullery, Fencing, Chimney pot, Slate, Chairs, Wicket, Shelf, Light switches, Chains, Skirting board, Venetian blind, Sauce boat, Drain pipes, Postal address, Arch, Sky light, Damp course, Staircase, Rates or Bolts, Plaster, Sewage System, Top drawer, Glass, Tile, Dormer, Ceiling light fittings, Bays, (No 49 void).

Three winners 48/49: Jean Wellsbury – Penn, Mrs Owens – Wightwick, Mr Bosworth – Codsall. A very sincere thanks to all who participated. Norman.

Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Alice Corbett, Anthony Smith, Pauline Smith, Jean Griffiths, Val Beech, Dennis French,

Andrea Bradley, Sarah Bayliss, Thomas Griffiths, Richard Matherson, Brian Hopson,

Chris Finch, Deryk Vernon, Jane Green, Rita Marston, Lucy Harris.

Please Pray for: Those who have died:

Heather Hibbs, Joan Allsopp, Max Devin, Nicolas Summers, Dorien Russell,

Pearl Kendrick, Ursula McInnes.

What’s on this week?

Sunday 2nd February


Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Monday 3rd February


Morning Prayer


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)


RIP Max Devin (Church/Churchyard)

Tuesday 4th February


Morning Prayer


Little Acorns (Oak Room)


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)


RIP Joan Allsopp (Bushbury West Chapel)


Living Faith (Lady Chapel)

Wednesday 5th February


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


Marriage Preparation (Church)


Bible Study group - 1 Samuel 4–10 (Parish Office)

Thursday 6th February


Morning Prayer


Bears & Prayers (Lady Chapel)


RIP Heather Hibbs (Bushbury East Chapel)


Butterflies’ Worship (Lady Chapel/Oak Room)


Alpha Course (Oak Room/Church)

Friday 7th February


Morning Prayer


Knit & Natter (Oak Room)


Friday Night Youth Group (Church Hall)

Saturday 8th February


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion with Worship Band

Sunday 9th February


Holy Communion


Parish Communion with Worship Band


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



The flowers in Church this weekend are in loving memory of Christine and Les Pearce & Stan and Marie -Louise Camm


We give thanks and pray for our Church Wardens, Adrian, Anne and Maggie. We also pray for all who come to the Saturday Service and those who lead and preach.


SUNDAY We give thanks and pray for our Clergy, Ben and Alison. We also pray for Su, studying to be ordained. Be with all who come to worship at each of the services at St Bart’s and St Anne’s.


We give thanks for Joy, Sally and Jo who work so hard to make the Coffee Morning a success. We also pray for Sue in the office, Dean our Treasurer and the team that help him.


We give thanks for the link that Lichfield Diocese has with the church in Northern Germany. We pray that Christians will be encouraged in their walk with the Lord, and that the link will be strengthened in 2020.


We pray for all who come to Mid-Week Communion. We pray for the leaders and boys in the Boys’ Brigade. We pray for all who come to Bible Study this evening.


Melissa asks prayer for the families she visits. It would be helpful if she had a companion to go with her. She also asks that more people would come forward to join the Prayer Ministry Team.


We remember those who mourn today. We give thanks for those who care for the churchyard. We pray for Carly and Julia who lead our two choirs. We remember them as the choir practises this evening.


We give thanks and pray for all in the band as they lead our services this weekend. We remember the Street Pastors as they meet people on the street at night.


SUNDAY We pray today for our Lay Readers, Michael who leads the services at St Anne’s and Su at St Bart’s. We pray for all who attend St Anne’s. We pray for the families who are struggling and ask that you will give wisdom to those who help them.


We give thanks for all who serve in our Armed Forces, and their families. We pray for the uniformed organisations at St Bart’s, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Rainbows and Boys’ Brigade.


We pray for all who help to make Little Acorns a success, especially those who set up the room on Monday evening. We pray for all who are following the Living Faith Course, and for Alison who leads it.


We give thanks for Bishop Stephen and the other clergy in the very large Diocese of Matlosane in South Africa. Keep them safe as they travel. Encourage all your people there as they live for the Lord.


Catherine gives thanks for answered prayer - new staff start work this term, one of whom is dedicated to sourcing land and organising the building project.


We give thanks and pray for all who help at Butterflies this

afternoon. We pray for all the families that come. We also pray for all who come to the Alpha Course this evening.


We give thanks for Margaret and Jill as they organise the Ritz Tea this afternoon and pray that all who come have an enjoyable time.


SUNDAY Today we pray for all those who are with the children in the Creche and Sunday School. We pray that they will be encouraged today. We also pray for the families who come to the Baptism service this afternoon.


It is half term this week. We pray that all who work in our schools may be refreshed this week. This evening the Prayers for Healing group meet to pray for people who are sick or in special need, and those who mourn after losing someone special to them.


We give thanks for the Mothers’ Union, and the support they have been for many families in the UK and abroad.


Link Diocese in Saskatchewan, Canada - we give thanks for all those who work in the Diocesan office in Regina. Give them wisdom to know how to support the many small churches in this region.


We pray for people in prison in the UK that they will get the help they need to turn their lives around. Give wisdom to all who try to help them in any way. We also remember those who are seeking to rebuild their lives after imprisonment.


Lord, we pray that funds will be made available to help victims of crime to come to terms with what has happened and rebuild their lives after what is often a traumatic experience.


We pray today for all who serve in our Emergency Services, who often suffer stress, and may be in danger from violent people.


SUNDAY We pray for all those who read the lessons, lead the intercessions, or take part in the services in any way. May every service be a time when people meet the Lord and are built up in their faith.


We pray for Anthony Arul, a vicar in West Malaysia. Give him wisdom in all he does, encourage him as visits his parishioners. Help him to preach the Word of God faithfully. Keep his family healthy.


As we celebrate SHROVE TUESDAY, help us to prepare our hearts for Lent that we may know the best way to keep this season.


We pray for Ben as he leads the ASH WEDNESDAY service this evening. May this time of reflection help those who come to meet the Lord and prepare their hearts for the season of Lent.


On Saturday, those attending the Alpha Course will be thinking about the Holy Spirit. Give wisdom to those who lead this day. May everyone who comes meet the Lord in a special way.


We give thanks and pray for Sam our Youth Leader and all the young people who come to the Youth Group. Strengthen and encourage each one in their walk of faith.


Today is Open the Book day. We pray for all who work in our schools. We pray for those who go into schools to share Bible stories in a way that brings the Bible to life for the children.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
