02/07/2024 0 Comments
Prayer Diary April
Prayer Diary April
# Bart's blog
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Prayer Diary April
St Paul writes in Romans chapter 8
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans……….and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
1. Corona virus - We pray for all who work in New Cross Hospital - nurses, doctors and all others. Help them to keep well, and support each other. We pray that people will not go if they do not need to.
2. We pray for families at home together who are finding life very stressful. Help them to think of things to do and to stay calm. We pray for our government that they will have wisdom in all they do.
3. Melissa asks prayer for the containment of the corona virus in the Middle East. People are afraid. Pray that Christians can share the Good news of God’s love and that people will find freedom from fear
4. We pray for Ben as he shares Morning Prayer on line. Give him Your words to share each day. Help him to know how to use his time to help people.
5. PALM SUNDAY Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a King, knowing what lay ahead for him. Let us worship him, and crown him King in our lives today.
6. There should be a wedding rehearsal today - we pray for couples who have had to postpone their plans.
7. Corona virus - we pray for those in hospital with conditions unrelated to corona. May they get the care they need in this stressful situation. We also pray for all who serve in our emergency services.
8. We pray for Catherine Crawley working in a Christian school in Banglsdesh that she will have wisdom and grace in any difficult situations she faces .
9. Maunday Thursday - let us meditate today on the Last Supper. The disciples did not understand what was going on, and what was to come. Jesus is the Bread of Life - He will meet our every need..
10. GOOD FRIDAY Let us pray for the children who would have come to the Good Friday project, that they may know Your presence with them whatever their situation.
11. Easter Saturday - we remember people who have had to cancel holidays and cannot go away. Help them as they sort out financial problems.
12. EASTER SUNDAY Jesus is alive, we serve a living God who is with us all every moment whether we are aware of Him or not. He is the same yesterday, today and for ever.
13. We pray for Rev Ben and his family. May he find time to rest and be refreshed to continue his ministry here in our Parish.
14. Corona virus - we pray for those living in isolation. The challenges of living alone are many and varied, so we pray that they will be able to find things to do and ways to keep in touch with others.
15. We give thanks for Anthony Arul in Malaysia. May he be encouraged as he preaches and visits his congregation. We also pray for his wife and daughter.
16. We pray for those who serve in our armed services, especially those helping with situations caused by the corona virus. We also pray for those working in our supermarkets that they will keep well.
17. It should be the Knit and Natter today so we pray for all who come and Saskia who runs it. We give thanks for all who knit prayer shawls. We also pray for all who sing in our church choirs.
18. We pray today for our church wardens, and give thanks for all they do. We also pray for Sue who works in the office and for Dean our treasurer.
19. SUNDAY We pray for our clergy today, Ben, Roberta, Alison and Sue. Fill them afresh with your Spirit Lord in all they do. We also pray today for all who work with children at the 10.00am service.
20. Prayers for Healing - let us all pray for those we know who are sick or in special need. The Lord is our Healer who hears our prayer and is able to do more than we can ask or think.
21. We give thanks today for our bell ringers. May they be encouraged in this ministry. We also pray for the members of the Mothers’ Union worldwide, giving thanks for the way they help many families.
22. We pray for all who belong to our uniformed organisations and their leaders. Encourage them and show them how to bring in new members.
23. We pray for the clergy and people in our link diocese of Qu’Appelle in Canada. Encourage all who belong to small churches that they will have courage and vision to reach out to others with the Gospel.
24. We remember those who live on the street and pray for those who seek to help them. We give thanks for our Street Pastors and pray for them
25. Today we pray for people in prison. Lord help them to turn their lives around. We give thanks for those who help them when they come out of prison. We remember prison chaplains, and all prison staff.
26. SUNDAY We pray today for all who worship at St Anne’s and Michael, our lay reader who leads there. Encourage them all we pray, especially the families who are struggling.
27. We pray for Joy, Sally and Jo who run the Coffee Morning, an important social gathering where many have made good friends.
28. We pray for the staff in our local schools, hopefully ready to begin a new term, Help all schools to settle into a good routine after the corona outbreak. We especially pray for those taking exams at this time.
29. We pray today for the people and clergy in our link diocese of Matlosane, South Africa. We remember Bishop Steven as he travels long distances to visit people in the villages.
30. Today we remember victims of crime. May they be able to get the help they need to cope with trauma and distress and justice for the way they have been wronged.