Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

Shaping for Mission 
Shaping for Mission is the process happening now across Lichfield Diocese to strengthen our life of discipleship, vocation and evangelism while facing a significant reduction in financial income.  

  • We will work together as people of hope to make our mission sustainable.  
  • We need to reduce our budget, which will mean cutting paid posts from every sector, however we have chosen not to do that by making reactive cuts. 
  • we are committed to covering the deficit out of reserves for two years so that we can make wise and faithful changes in line with our vision for mission.  

Shaping for Mission process is taking place in each deanery, through the creation of a Shaping for Mission Team, facilitated by the Rural Dean with the support of Diocesan staff. 

  1. to provide governance for the diocese; 
  2. to provide a support network for those in ministry.  
    We are adding a third task:  
  3. to discern the mission of the church in this area.  

We Need Your Help! 

  • Each deanery is very different, and the vision for sustainable mission will belong to that Deanery as we look for the gifts, strengths, opportunities and challenges that God has gifted the church with and discern a faithful vision in response to these.  
  • Please pray for the Team; 
  • Please speak to the representatives from your Benefice/Team listed below who are on the SFM Team, sharing your thoughts.  

 This exciting process involves us all! 

Your Shaping For Mission Team Representatives: 

Revd Preb Ben Whitmore. Richard Pithers. Matthew Wragg 
Contact through the Parish office or 01902 576809 

Transforming Communities List of Donations issued in 2020

We are blessed at St Bartholomew’s and St Anne’s to be able to give approximately 10% of our annual income to support good causes internationally, nationally and locally. In January 2020 the Transforming Communities group met to discuss our contributions for the year. Unfortunately due to the onset of the Covid 19 virus and subsequent lockdown of our Churches, we had to review the list as our income over the year decreased. I have listed below the donations which have been made to our chosen charities for the year.

Christian Aid £1000
The Children’s Society £1500
Open Doors £  750
Give us a Break £  250
Knit and Natter£ 100
Cruse Wolverhampton£1000
Matlosane £  250
Acorns Childrens
Hospice £  250
The Haven £  250Tearfund  £  250
Medair £  250
Wolverhampton City of Sanctus  £  250
Midland Air Ambulance £  250
Teenage Cancer £  250
Crisis £  250

Total  £6850

We have received Thank You letters from several of the charities. The Transforming Communities Group will soon be discussing the donations to be made in 2021. If you have any suggestions for charities to receive a proportion of this money, could you please put them, in writing, in an envelope addressed to  me and posted in the outside Church office postbox by the Oak Room door and they will be considered by the group. Please submit your suggestions by 31 January 2021. When we have got a suggested list this will be presented to the PCC for approval.

Please continue to give generously. Thank You. Stay safe. God Bless. Anne Edwards
Transforming Communities Champion. 

The Well Foodbank: Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

 The gentleman who collected the items for the Food Bank just before Christmas asked if we could pass on a very big thank you to all who contribute items to the Food Bank. He said they are much appreciated and it is very kind of you to continue to give so generously to them. 

Prayer shawls bring the wearer warmth and affection both in times of sorrow and in times of celebration. They make ideal gifts for comforting and celebrating important stages in life.
The making of a prayer shawl is a spiritual practice which embodies our thoughts and prayers for the receiver. It is gift made in prayer and freely given. The shawls are passed on hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart.
Prayer shawls are prayerfully and lovingly knitted, sometimes with a person in mind or as part of a supply when a need is identified. They can be given to people who are ill, hurting or in a time of transition.
We have given them to people following ~ bereavement ~ during illness ~ to new students ~ for new beginnings ~ to new mums ~ going through a tough time ~ just because.

If you would like more information or if there is someone you would like to give a prayer shawl to, please let me know. They do not need to be a member of this or any other church.

On behalf of the knitting ministry at St. Bart’s


or speak to Anne Edwards 01902 337478

or contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809

Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. Always in demand are clothes (for all ages and sizes), household and kitchen items, towels and bedding, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products.  Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter to arrange for any donations to be collected or delivered to her on Tel: 07952 777998 or    Please do not deliver to Church.

Zoom Choir Practice Friday evenings – if anyone is interested in joining the choir, please speak to Ben.

Church Floodlighting:  If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or to celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.

Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Alice Corbett,  Brian Hopson,  Grace Simkin,  Darren Westwood,  Jeanette Saunders, 

Jutta Dougan,  Robert Farmer,  Jane Green,  Pauline Hollington,  Wendy Carly,

Thomas Griffiths,  Keren Anthony,  Jean & George Spooner,  Frank Northern. 

Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:   

Peter Evans,  Angela Catherall,  Carol Ruddlesden,  Pat Blest,  Jean Farrands,  Pamela Bood,  Raymond Stone,  John Wakelam,  Jeffrey Vaughan.        



We give thanks for all those involved in the production of the corona vaccine and pray for all those who are working so hard to get everyone vaccinated.



Many of our NHS staff are stressed and exhausted due to the coronavirus. We pray for them that they will get the help that they need. We also pray for their families.


We give thanks for Sue, Dean, and Donna who each work so hard for St Bart’s. We pray that they will be encouraged in all they do.



We pray for Catherine as she continues her studies in accountancy, while also preparing to leave Bangladesh. May she know the next step in her career.


Today we remember those who live in our link diocese in Malaysia, Asia. Strengthen and encourage them as they follow Christ. We especially pray for any who are sick.


We pray for our churchwarden Anne, and Catherine Pugh who will soon be a churchwarden. Help them in these uncertain, covid times.


SUNDAY    We give thanks for all our clergy, Alison, Su, Glynne, Deb and Ben our vicar. We trust that by the time we are reading this, church will soon be open for us to worship again together in church.


The Coffee Morning would be held in normal times. We pray for the many people who are alone and lonely that they will have people to phone and encourage them.


We pray for all the schools in our parish, as teachers have to make difficult decisions about remote learning and supporting staff, pupils, and families through these difficult times. We pray for children who are stressed and struggling, and those who should have exams this year.


We pray for the people and clergy who live in the diocese of Matlosane. Keep people safe who need to travel, encourage the clergy as they seek to help the people in their care. We pray for the speedy roll out of the vaccine.



We pray for Melissa as the challenges of living with covid continue to make life very difficult for many. Encourage her as she seeks to encourage others in these times, and strengthen her when she feels lonely.


We pray for all the young people linked with St Bart’s. Strengthen them in their faith and help them to find fellowship and encouragement. Be with their leaders as they seek to maintain contact with them


We give thanks as we remember Anthony Arul and his wife and daughter. We pray for good health for them all, and encourage Anthony in his ministry as a parish priest.


SUNDAY    We give thanks for all who worship at St Anne’s. We pray for Michael Hibbs and all those who lead worship and preach and teach there. Guide them as they support people at this difficult time.


Prayers for Healing - Today we remember those who are sick or in special need and their families. We give thanks and pray for all on the Pastoral Team who seek to keep in touch with many of these people.


SHROVE TUESDAY    As Lent begins tomorrow, we remember Jesus who was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and then fasted for 40 days. Lord, Guide us as we think about how to seek the Lord during Lent.


ASH WEDNESDAY    May this time of Lent be a time when we seek and find the Lord. May the Word of God breathe life into work and rest. May we maintain inner silence in all things so as to dwell in Christ.


We give thanks for all the members of the Mothers’ Union worldwide. Help them to know how to support and encourage each other.


We pray today for the people of the USA. May God’s way of love prevail as President Biden seeks to draw people together. We pray that he may have wisdom in all the decisions he makes.


We give thanks for all who work in the Emergency Services, help them to get the PPE that they need and protect them and their vehicles from those who would harm them.



SUNDAY    Lent 1   We give thanks for all those who lead and preach at the services at St Bart’s and St Anne’s. Fill them afresh that they may inspire us all as we follow our Lord.



We remember those who live in our link diocese Qu’ Appelle in Canada. We pray for those who lead the many small churches there. We pray for the churches in Regina that are now worshipping together.



We pray for those who live in our link diocese in Germany. We give thanks for the church there. Guide those who are seeking ways to continue our fellowship as Britain leaves the European Union.



We pray for Boris Johnson and all in the government at this difficult time. Guide them in their discussions and planning. We also pray for Wolverhampton Council that they will make good decisions for the city.



So many are grieving at this time. Many cannot be with their loved ones when they are sick and dying. Organising funerals is difficult. We pray for all who mourn. We pray for NHS staff who comfort the dying.



We give thanks for all who sing in our choirs, and pray that we may soon be able to worship together in church and enjoy the music that is so important to us all.



We give thanks for all who serve in our armed forces. Protect those who are in dangerous places or situations. We also remember people in prison and their families, and victims of crime.



SUNDAY    Lent 2   We pray today for those who cannot connect with the online services. We give thanks for those who record the services and daily meditations and send out the dvd’s.


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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
