02/07/2024 0 Comments
Bart's Blog
Bart's Blog
# Bart's blog
Bart's Blog
Still time to Join the ALPHA COURSE Online hosted on a zoom call on Thursdays at 8.00pm If you would like to be Confirmed or just wish to learn more about the Christian Faith, please join us with this year’s Alpha Course. Please contact the Parish Office - 01902 576809 or stbartspenn@googlemail.com or email Revd Ben – benjowhitmore@gmail.com or by Facebook Messenger.
Electoral Roll – Revision 2021 It’s that time again – the Electoral roll of St Bartholomew’s and St Anne’s is being revised before the APCM. The church electoral roll is not just a list of people who worship at St Bart’s & St Anne’s; it's a register of people who want to take an active part in the running of their church. So, before the APCM is held, we want to give you all a little nudge to get yourselves onto the roll, so you can take an active part in the discussions and decisions made about your church, with your money and on your behalf.
If you are already on the roll you don’t need to do anything unless you have changed any of your details, like your address or name. If you are not on the roll and would like to be please contact the Parish Office who will be able send you a form electronically or arrange for one to come out to you.
The roll will be open for revision on Sunday 14th March and all forms will need to be returned to the church by Sunday 4th April when the roll will be closed.
Catherine Pugh Electoral Roll Officer
World Day of Prayer. This year's World Day of Prayer will be held on Zoom on Friday 5th March 2021 at 7.00pm. The service has been prepared by the Christian women of Vanuatu. Vanuatu is an archipelago of 80 islands in the South Pacific, 2000 miles from Australia. They lie in a beautiful part of the World but have many problems including lack of free education, malnutrition and violence against women and girls. Safe drinking water and sanitation are major concerns. If you cannot access the service on Zoom, please pray for the Women of Vanuatu at 7.00pm on Friday 5th March.
If you would like a copy of the order of service, please look at the back of Church where a few copies will be available. or contact Anne Edwards on 01902 337478 who will try and get a copy for you and deliver it to you.
St Bart's, St Michael's, Springdale and Penn URC Churches normally prepare a joint service for this Day of Prayer. Sadly we are physically unable to do this due to the ongoing Covid pandemic. St Bart's will be sending a small donation to WDP as part of the Transforming Communities charities contribution, as a collection is normally taken at the service.
Topic: World Day of Prayer 2021 Time: Mar 5, 2021 07:00 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8895...
Meeting ID: 889 5685 7208
Passcode: 462584
God Bless Anne Edwards and Gill Skitt.
There is now a defibrillator located outside St Bart’s Church Hall. Training will be arranged when restrictions allow us to do so.
Garden Made Perfect: Some of you have asked to be let know when Bethany our daughter is on TV in the garden programme... Your Garden Made Perfect... her tiny yard had a makeover and it is featured on Thursday’s programme on 4th March BBC 2 at 8.00pm. They makeover a large and a small garden each week and it’s well worth a watch. Jan & Ian.
Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary: Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. Always in demand are clothes (for all ages and sizes), household and kitchen items, towels and bedding, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products. Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter to arrange for any donations to be collected or delivered to her on Tel: 07952 777998 or annette_souter@hotmail.com Please do not deliver to Church.
The Well Foodbank: Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.
For more information http://thewellwolverhampton.co.uk
Zoom Choir Practice Friday evenings – if anyone is interested in joining the choir, please speak to Ben
Church Floodlighting: If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or to celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.
Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:
Alice Corbett, Brian Hopson, Grace Simkin, Darren Westwood, Jeanette Saunders,
Jutta Dougan, Robert Farmer, Jane Green, Pauline Hollington, Wendy Carly,
Thomas Griffiths, Keren Anthony, Jean & George Spooner, Frank Northern, Linda Harris, Julian Hollington.
Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:
Winifred Rhodes, Vera Gregg, Olive Lowndes, Gillian Trusselle, Marion Drover,
John Anderson, Ernest Curtis, Kingsley Hickman.
Loving God, you chose Joseph to be included, to be stepfather to your child Jesus. We pray for all parents, step-parents and adoptive parents, for all patterns of family life, and those who live alone. Help us to know that we are all included in your loving plan, to bring hope to the world.
More information and prayers can be found on the Lichfield Diocese website www.lichfield.anglican.org/ourmission/prayerdiary
1. | At the beginning of the second week of Lent, Lord help us to spend time with you. Teach us more about yourself during this time when we remember your temptations in the wilderness. |
2. | As coronavirus continues to cause suffering and fear, we pray for all who work in hospitals. Keep them safe and help them to get the right PPE. We pray for those waiting for treatment delayed because of the pandemic. |
3. | Because of coronavirus many people are living in isolation and loneliness. Many do not have family to support them, others have family but they are far away. May they get the support and help that they need. |
4. | We pray for those who work in care homes, that they will keep well, and get the PPE that they need. We pray for chaplains who are trying to communicate with people while wearing PPE. |
5. | Today is the World Day of Prayer. There is a zoom service this evening at 7.00pm led by the women of Vanuatu, an island in the Pacific Ocean. To join in go to www.wwdp.org.uk |
6. | We give thanks for our church warden Anne Edwards, and for Catherine Pugh who will soon become trainee church warden. |
7. | SUNDAY We give thanks for our clergy, Ben, Roberta, Alison, Su, Glynne and Deb. Be with them as they work together to lead services, preach and teach, and keep in touch with people in these difficult times. |
8. | As schools open today we pray for teachers with so many added pressures to deal with each day due to the virus. We pray that headteachers will have wisdom to make good decisions. |
9. | We pray for school children who have struggled with on-line learning. Some have been very stressed and are self-harming. Help them to settle back into learning in the classroom and catch up with some of the work that they have missed. |
10. | We give thanks for Christians who live in our link diocese of Malaysia. Encourage them as they support each other as they seek to follow the Lord. We especially pray for Anthony Arul and his family. |
11. | We pray for Ben as he leads the on-line Alpha course, and we also pray for all who are following this course that covers the basics of Christianity. |
12. | We give thanks for Melissa who serves the Lord in the Middle East. Help her in all her contacts with refugees, give her wisdom as she seeks to help and encourage them. Encourage her as members of the team move to another city. |
13. | Lord we give thanks for Joy who does so much for the church. We especially give thanks for the beautiful flower arrangements. We also give thanks and pray for Sue in the office, Dean our treasurer, and Donna. |
14. | MOTHERING SUNDAY On this special day, one year after the beginning of lock down we pray for families separated because of the virus and unable to celebrate this special day together. |
15. | Today should be the Prayers for the Healing meeting. Many people are sick or in special need. Guide us in our prayers today that we may see the Lord at work healing and encouraging those who need His help. |
16. | We give thank for our brothers and sisters who live in the diocese of Matlosane in South Africa. We pray for protection and safe-keeping during the pandemic and a speedy roll out of the vaccine. |
17. | We give thank for the leaders and young people in the Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies and Boys Brigade. Help them to continue to keep in touch and support each other during this difficult time. |
18. | The members of Painting In Penn would love to meet again to share their joy in painting. Help them to keep in touch and encourage each other. |
19. | We pray today for Catherine Crawley as she continues her studies in accountancy while she is working as an administrator in a Christian school in Bangladesh. |
20. | We pray for those couples who have had their weddings cancelled during the past year. Guide them as they seek to make new arrangements. We also pray for clergy and registrars who would like to get back to normal. |
21. | SUNDAY We give thanks for Margaret, Rachel & Deb who are working hard to keep in touch with the children who used to come to Junior Church. |
22. | We give thanks for all who serve in the military, and pray for all in difficult and stressful situations at home and abroad. We also pray for their families. |
23. | Today we pray for all who work in our Emergency Services, many are suffering from stress. Help them to get the support and PPE they need. Protect them from those who would harm them or their vehicles. |
24. | We give thanks for those who serve the Lord in our link diocese of Qu’Appelle. We pray for the small churches in Regina who are meeting together to worship. We remember the small churches in other towns. |
25. | We pray for families with young children today. We pray that they will soon be able to return to their groups at church, Busy Bees, Little Acorns, Butterflies. Help those who are struggling with stressful situations. |
26. | We give thanks for all who sing in our choirs. Help them to take time to practise so they will be ready to lead our worship when services in church begin again. |
27. | We pray today for people in prison that they will receive the help they need to turn their lives around. May they also find support when they come out of prison to build a new way of life. |
28. | PALM SUNDAY We give thanks and pray for all who lead worship and teach at St Anne’s. We pray for all who worship there, that you will help them to know Your loving care each day as lock down continues. |
29. | At the beginning of Holy Week we pray for Christians persecuted for their faith. Give them courage and comfort day by day. We pray for the relatives of people who have been killed or put in prison. |
30. | We pray for the clergy and people of our diocese of Mechlenburg in Germany. May they be encouraged during their Easter services. |
31. | We pray for victims of crime that they will find the support they need, and find peace and help to come to terms with what has happened, and help to deal with trauma and difficult memories. |