Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

Bart's Blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's Blog

There is now a defibrillator located outside St Bart’s Church Hall. Training will be arranged when restrictions allow us to do so.

The Well Foodbank:Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary: Thank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed for Wolverhampton City of Sanctuary. Always in demand are household and kitchen items, towels, children’s toys and books, toiletries and sanitary products.  Thank you for your ongoing support. Please contact Annette Souter to arrange for any donations to be collected or delivered to her on Tel: 07952 777998 or    Please do not deliver to Church.

MIDWEEK COMMUNION Wednesdays9.15am in the Lady Chapel We would love you to join us for this short reflective service,

any questions please contact Rev Alison.


Pennwood Lane, Penn, Wolverhampton

May 2021

We have an Almshouse, available to anyone who meets the criteria, applicants need to be on income support, housing benefit, and have some sort of connection to Penn or Pennfields. If you, or anyone you know may be interested, please contact either 

Jill Fieldhouse

(Clerk to the Trustees) 

Telephone – 01902-620149Mobile – 07710435572Email –jill.fieldhouse@outlook.comor Revd.Preb. Ben Whitmore.

Thank You Very Much

I am pleased to tell you all that I have been able to complete the claim for repayment of tax for the year to 5/4/2021, the total for the year which HMRC will repay to us is over £23,000! As you can imagine this helps enormously with our costs. Over the tax year the giving (Banker’s Orders and envelopes and one off donations) was over £94,500, so a massive thank you to all who regularly give to us, in what has been a very difficult year.

Each year we commit to giving away 10% of our income, and we have done this- the charities are varied- some local, some national and some international.

God is Good, and He is moving in this place.

Thanks so very much.

Barbara Edwards Gift Aid Secretary

PS if you need an individual letter for tax purposes please contact me. 

St. Columba's Day Centre needs your supportPlease help us keep this much needed day centre for the elderly open.  We have been hit hard by the pandemic, but we want to continue to provide this much needed service to our community. Please let us know if you know of anybody who may benefit from attending, or can you think of any fundraising events to enable us to raise much needed funds to get us through the next few difficult months. To find more about us go on are also on  facebook, please share our just giving page. Thank you all in advance.Kind regards 

Jeanette Hall
St. Columba's Day Centre
Castlecroft Road

Tel. 01902 761192

 APCM and Tresurer’s ReportsThere are spare copies of these reports at the back of Church, please help yourself.

What’s on this week?

Sunday 2nd May




Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s






Monday 3rd May


Morning Prayer




Tuesday 4th May


Morning Prayer




Wednesday 5th May


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)




Thursday 6th May


Morning Prayer




Friday 7th May


Morning Prayer


RIPJohn Victor Wright ((Gornal Wood)




Saturday 8th May


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion




Sunday 9thMay



Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s






Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Brian Hopson,  Jeanette Saunders,  Jane Green,Robert Farmer,  Pauline Hollington, 

Wendy Carly,Linda Harris,Julian Hollington,  Paul Challenor,  Stella & Bluebell, Tricia Gee, 

Norman Schofield,  Doreen Hickman,  Hilda Rawlins,  Ken Plant,  Maggie Perry,

Jacqueline Mclean, Sonia Mclean.

Please Pray for:The family and friends of those who have died:

John Wright,  Ken Jarrett,  Patricia Lea,  Jean Thomas,  Albert Evans, Hazel Clayton. Don Sharp. Lloyd Simmons.

Church Floodlighting:If you wish the Church to be floodlit in memory of a loved-one or to celebrate a special anniversary, birthday etc, please contact the Parish Office on 01902 576809. The cost is only £15 and the Church is lit from dusk to midnight.



Many people have been bereaved and covid has added to the difficulties and grief they face. Lord be with our Queen, the Royal family and all who mourn at this difficult time. 


SUNDAY    We give thanks for all our clergy, and pray for them that they will be filled afresh with your Spirit in every aspect of their ministry. We pray for people who are suffering from depression at this time.


Bank Holiday - as life opens up more, we pray that people will be sensible as they go to popular beauty spots. We pray for all in the hospitality industry, many of whom have had a very difficult time.


We give thanks for all who serve in our Emergency Services and our wonderful NHS. May they get the help they need when they are stressed. Protect them from those who would cause them harm.


We prayer today for our link diocese of Matlosane, South Africa. Bring healing to those who have covid, protect those who seek to lead and encourage Christians in villages and towns.


ELECTION DAY    We pray that people will vote today and we pray for all those who will be elected, that they will be strengthened to work for the good of all the people they represent.


As things slowly get back to “normal” we pray for our choirs and look forward to the time when they can once more practise in church and lead our worship.


We give thanks for all who come to the 5.30pm service, and those who lead and preach. May everyone be strengthened and encouraged in their faith and walk with the Lord. We also pray for our lay readers, Michael and Su.


SUNDAY    We pray for Sue in the office and Dean our treasurer. We give thanks for Donna and all she does to care for our church buildings. We give thanks for our church wardens Anne and Catherine. Encourage them in all they do.


We pray for Catherine Crawley working in the school in Bangladesh. It will soon be time for her to leave this country that has been home for three years, and return to the UK. Guide her in her next steps.



We pray for members of the Mothers’ Union who will be hoping that soon they will be able to meet together again. We especially pray for those who have found lockdown a long lonely time.


We continue to pray for the small churches in Regina, Canada who are worshipping together. May all your people find encouragement and strength in their Christian life in this new chapter.


ASCENSION DAY    We worship our Lord as we remember that He ascended into Heaven and is there now, our Living Lord, in the place of honour, alongside God His Father.


The lockdown has been a very difficult time for all who work in our Schools. Give them wisdom as they seek to help and support their students. We pray for those hoping to go to university or college.


We give thanks and pray for families who are bringing their children for baptism this weekend and next weekend. May this be a special time when they meet with the Lord.


SUNDAY    We pray and give thanks for all who worship at St Anne’s, and those who lead worship and support families who worship there. May struggling families everywhere get the support and help they need.


Prayers for Healing - today we pray for those we know who are sick or in special need, especially those who have mental health problems. We give thanks and pray for our Pastoral Team that they will be able to be in touch with people they can help.


Melissa asks prayer for wisdom as she plans trainings to equip new groups with Alpha style resources. May the participants have courage in their witness to God’s love to their friends and colleagues at work.


We pray for the people in Mechlenberg, Germany, our link diocese. As lockdown eases help people to keep safe. Bring your healing and peace to those who are sick or troubled in mind.


We give thanks for those who used to organise groups for pre-school children. We trust it will not be too long before they can meet again. Help the leaders who put stories on the church page of Facebook.



We give thanks for all who serve in the military, and their families. We especially remember families separated when loved ones are on active service.


 We remember people in prison. Help them to turn their lives around. Encourage those imprisoned for their faith. Be with prison chaplains that they will know how to help those they meet.


PENTECOST SUNDAY    Come Holy Spirit, fill us as you filled your disciples that we, like them may be your witnesses wherever we go. We pray many others may find the Lord as their Saviour and King.


We pray today for victims of crime. May they find peace and get justice. May they get the support they need in these difficult times.



Strengthen and encourage Anthony Arul in his ministry as an Anglican minister in Malaysia. Bless his family and keep them well and healthy.


 We give thanks and pray for Sue in the office, Dean our treasurer and Donna who cares for the buildings.


After time in prison, life can be very difficult as ex-prisoners face difficulties in finding work and also face rejection and suspicion in many areas of life. We pray for those who seek to help them.


We give thanks for Saskia and all who come to Knit and Natter. We pray that they will soon be able to meet again.



We pray for the many people who are unemployed as a result of covid. May they soon find work and be able to support themselves and their families.


SUNDAY    As we meet to worship today we pray for Christians who have to meet in secret, those who are the only Christian in their family and those who are persecuted for their faith.


We pray for students and all who work in universities and colleges that they may have a peaceful end to this academic year and look forward to the future with anticipation and hope.


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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
