Bart's blog

Bart's blog

Bart's blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's blog

3.30pm:Carol Service with Hoodie Choir
5.30pm    Carol Service by Candlelight
7.30pm    Carol Service by Candlelight

 The Well Foodbank Particularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

Wolverhampton City of SanctuaryThankyou everyone for your huge generosity to City of Sanctuary. Can I ask for a break in donations for December while I clear the backlog that has accumulated?  Everything you give is passed on to people who really need it, but it takes time to get it all delivered . I will begin collecting again in the second week of January.

Please do not deliver to Church.Thankyou all so much for your support and Happy Christmas!Annette Souter Tel: 07952 777998 or 


There are several Life Groups running in our church, and we are looking for more people to join and expand our existing groups.


Life Groups are about helping each other to live LIFE God’s way – working out what it means to be disciples of Jesus today, and connecting our faith to the whole of life. It’s a great way to grow in your faith and to develop new friendships with people from a wide range of ages, backgrounds, and Christian experience.

Our Life Groups meet weekly, each with about 6-10 members. Although each group looks slightly different, the meetings are always based on the “4Ws”:

  • Welcome      Building relationships between group members
  • Worship        Keeping our attention focussed on God
  • Word             Listening to God speak to us through the Bible
  • Witness         Allowing God to work through us in the way we live

We have both daytime and evening groups. Some groups meet mainly or completely online, others in homes or in the Oak Room. Something for everyone!

We would love more people to be involved in Life Groups, so if you would like to know more please speak to Janet Shackleton or Revd Ben, or email church office.

Bart’s Butterflieshave now broken up for the Christmas holidays.We return onThursday 13th January at 1.45pm at Victory Hall, Lower Penn. There is plenty of parking.All are welcome.

Coffee Morning on Sundays!

We are hoping to bring back Coffee after the 10am Sunday Service. As you can imagine we need people to help. If you are interested, please contact Anne or Cath or ring the Parish Office on 01902 576809.

The pigeon holes at the back of church are in use again 

New Church Heating System (Hurray!) work on our new heating system in St Bart’s has started!!!

Obviously there is going to be some disruption. Please can we all be patient and understanding in the knowledge that it is going to be great when finished. It will only be for a couple of months and it will be nice and warm for Christmas!

Inevitably, this project is going to be expensive and will be in the region of £90,000.

If you would like to make a donation, towards the heating fund, please put it in an envelope clearly marked “Heating Fund” (and don’t forget to Gift Aid it).Alternatively, you can pay by BACS transfer. If you would like the bank account details, please contact the Parish Office by email, look at a standing order form, or put it in a yellow envelope clearly marked “Heating Fund”.



On Tuesday 11th and Wednesday 12th January 2022, Painting In Penn will be opening up the classes for the intake of new amateur artists, from absolute beginner to the more advanced, who would like to enjoy the experience of water colour painting.

The course is modularised so that all the students can work at their own pace, without any pressure, through a range of activities, including paintings from holiday, photographs, their own drawings, landscapes, still life, portraits, flower or abstract works using water colour, oil, acrylic, pastels, or gouache media.Additional support and guidance will be gained through constructive teacher assessment and personal self-evaluation, as well as the use of a comprehensive library of books, dvd’s and monthly workshops led by professional artists

Visit our website for an insight to our work.

For more information and details, contact Ron Mottram on 01902 343528 or mobile

07946 741651 or email to

The Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) would like to thank everyone for the postcard donations used to raise funds.


School Admissions for St Bart’s Primary School 2022

If you are considering St Bart’s Primary School for your child for admission in September 2022 you will need to:-

  • Complete a Supplementary Information Form
  • Let us have a brief history of your worship at St Bart’s
  • A telephone number to contact you

Without all of this information we can’t complete and sign the form.

Closing date for St Bart’s – Saturday 15th January

The Church will be floodlit on the evening of Wednesday 22ndDecember

in loving memory of Olive Lowndes

What’s on this week?

Sunday 19th December 




Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All age worship at St Anne’s


Carol Service with Hoodie Choir


Carol Service by Candlelight


Carol Service by Candlelight




Monday 20thDecember


Morning Prayer


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)




Tuesday 21stDecember


Morning Prayer




Wednesday 22nd December


Mid-week Holy Communion (Oak Room)


Blue Christmas Service




Thursday 23rdDecember


Morning Prayer




Friday 24th December


Morning Prayer


Crib Service




(Nearly!) Midnight Eucharist


Midnight Eucharist




Saturday 25thDecember


Holy Communion


All-age Christmas Communion




Sunday 26th December



Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All-age Worship in St Anne’s

Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Brian Hopson,  Jeanette Saunders,  Jane Green,  Wendy Carly,Maggie Perry, Jackie Evans,

Stella & Bluebell,  Baby Lilly,Paul Lengkong,  Margaret Reade, Naomi Williams, Sue Perry,

Baby Lily Wong,Paul Challenor,Fred Henderson,  Christine Plowman,  Jane Turner,  Thomas Griffiths,  Jude Aston,  Tony Lacey,  Hilary Bolas,Arran Amoroso,  Liz Riches,  Martyn Dowling,  Stan Yates,  Alice Corbett,  Grace Simkin,  Jutta Dougan,  Keren Anthony,  Lucy Harris,  Deryk Vernon.

Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Alma Keates,  Alan Wilkins,  Ronald Tierney.

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
