Bart's blog

Bart's blog

Bart's blog

# Bart's blog

Bart's blog

Prayer for your needs

The prayer request board is now in place at the back of church. Please feel free to add any prayer requests for situations that concern you. These will then be prayed for by our WhatsApp prayer group, and in our daily Morning Prayer. Please ensure that if names are used, that the person has given permission. It would also be wonderful to have any updates or answers to prayer.

The Almshouse Charity of Raphael and Ann Sedgwick

January 2022

The Penn Almshouses , built in 1776 are situated in Pennwood Lane.

There are five terraced type houses, with a communal garden at the rear.

So – who lives in them?

They were set up to help the poor and needy of Penn/Penn Fields, and the criteria for acquiring one is that you must be on some sort of income support, claim housing benefit, own no property, and a connection to either Penn or Penn Fields. They have no connection to the “Church”, but one of the stipulations in the deeds is that the incumbent of the Parish of Penn must be a “Trustee”.

 At the moment, there are four other trustees, each having a role to play – chairman, treasurer, clerk, and a representative from the council. We meet twice a year, and have a meal out with the residents at least once a year, at least two of us needs to be contactable to them in between. Presently, we are looking for 2 new people to join us as Trustees. Ideally we are looking for someone with building knowledge, and someone who can take on the responsibility of Clerk.

If you would like to know more, please speak to Julian Hollington (Chairman) on 01902 663180 or Jill Fieldhouse (Clerk) on 07710435572

MAJOR SPRING CLEAN – SATURDAY 5TH MARCH 9.30AM Please note change of date
Please come along and bring your dusters, polish and powerful hoovers.


Online hosted on a zoom call on

Thursdays at 8.00pm

starting 3rd March

 If you would like to be Confirmed or just wish to learn more about the Christian Faith, please join us with this year’s Alpha Course.

Please contact the Parish Office - 01902 576809 or or email Revd Ben – or by Facebook Messenger.


Next NewsletterThe next Newsletter will be available this Easter. If you wish to submit an article etc. for inclusion in this newsletter, please contact the editor Sarah Slade at by Monday 14th February.

Bart’s ButterfliesPlease join us at St Bart’s Church Thursdays at 1.45pm for lots of singing stories and fun. All are welcome.

The Church Hall is open for parties – for further details, please contact Donna Williams on 07546 527300.

Mothers’ Union Holy Communionwill be held in Church on Wednesday 9th February at 10.30am.Everyone is welcome.

The Well FoodbankParticularly needed right now are tinned vegetables of all kinds, especially tinned potatoes, tinned fruit, rice pudding, any other tinned puddings, rice and pasta sachets, toiletries, large size nappies. Other tinned or dried items also welcome. PLEASE AVOID out-of-date items, opened packets & fresh foods, as these cannot be used. If you would like to help please add your donation to the trolley at the back of church and it will rapidly find its way to someone in need.

For more information

  Wolverhampton City of SanctuaryThank you all so much for your donations which are always appreciated and much needed.Always needed are kitchen and household items, children's clothes and toys, toiletries and sanitary products. Special requests this week pleasefor ahoover, fridge and a microwave.Please do not deliver to Church. Please contact Annette Souter on Tel: 07952 777998 or  Thankyou very much for your ongoing support.

What’s on this week?

Sunday 6th February




Holy Communion


Parish Communion


All age worship at St Anne’s






Monday 7th February


Morning Prayer


Coffee Morning (Oak Room)


Hoodie Choir




Tuesday 8th February


Morning Prayer


Painting in Penn (Church Hall)




Wednesday 9thFebruary


Mid-week Holy Communion (Lady Chapel)


Mothers’ Union Holy Communion (Church)


Painting in Penn (Oak Room)


Living Faith (Church Hall Lounge)




Thursday 10thFebruary


Morning Prayer


RIP Mabel Illidge (Church/Penn Cemetery)


Bart’s Butterflies (St Bart’s Church/Oak Room)




Friday 11th February


Morning Prayer


Trebles Rehearsal/Full Choir Rehearsal




Saturday 12th February


Morning Prayer


Holy Communion with Worship Band




Sunday 13th February



Holy Communion


Parish Communion with Worship Band


All-age Worship in St Anne’s



Please Pray for: Those for whom extra prayer is needed:

Brian Hopson,  Jeanette Saunders,  Jane Green,  Wendy Carly,Jackie Evans,  Baby Lilly,

Stella & Bluebell, PaulLengkong,Naomi Williams, Sue Perry,Paul Challenor,  Jude Aston,

Christine Plowman,  Jane Turner,  Thomas Griffiths,Hilary Bolas,Arran Amoroso,

Liz Riches,  Martyn Dowling,  Stan Yates,  Vi Bayliss,  Elisha Bailey,  Alice Corbett,

Grace Simkin,  JuttaDougan,  Lucy Harris,  Deryk Vernon.

Please Pray for: The family and friends of those who have died:

Alan Bickley,  MabelIllidge,  Edna Ray,  Audrey Gatenby,  Maggie Perry,  Margaret Reade,  Richard Stewart,  Elizabeth Williams (Betty).

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  St Bartholomew's Church   ·   Church Hill, Penn, Wolverhampton, WV4 5JB       01902 576809
